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Shea Butter mixed with indigenous West African herbs/ Yellow Shea Butter - 250 gram Glass Jar

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Product Details

Product description: 100% All Natural Yellow Shea Butter in glass jar and aluminum lid originated from Northern Ghana.

Productomschrijving: 100% All Natural Shea Butter in glazen pot en aluminium deksel afkomstig uit Noord-Ghana.

Ingredient: Organic unrefined cold pressed shea butter and indigenous West African herb (Borututu root)

Ingredients: Biologische ongeraffineerde koud geperste sheaboter en inheemse West-Afrikaanse kruiden (Borututu wortel).

Our yellow shea butter gets its color from the borututu tree root extract. An ingredient added during the milling process. This color is totally natural and its addition is purely aesthetic for those who prefer this bright and sunny shade of yellow in their Shea Butter.

It's benefits are:

- Heals muscle aches and pain

- Extra effective against skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections and burned skin.

- Contains vitamin A, E and F

- Reduces stretch marks

- Helps repair fine lines, wrinkles and scars

- Heals minor cuts and burns

- Stimulates the production of collagen which makes the skin stronger, look younger and more supple.

This product is for hair and skin and NOT for medical purposes.

Dit product is voor haar en huid en NIET voor medische doelen.

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Shea Butter mixed with indigenous West African herbs/ Yellow Shea Butter - 250 gram Glass Jar
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